
Robin Bravender | May 24, 2011 | Reposted from Politico

Oversight committee Republicans led by Issa this week accused the administration of “pursuing an agenda to raise the price Americans pay for energy” in order to advance its renewable energy agenda. It’s been a familiar theme for Republicans — not just Palin — as prices have spiked amid recent months of turmoil across the Middle East.

Meanwhile, the government oversight group Checks & Balances Project blasted Oversight committee Republicans on Tuesday for raking in more campaign contributions from Big Oil than their Democratic colleagues as they attempt to pin blame for rising prices on the administration.

Issa and other GOP committee members accepted $453,910 dollars from the oil and gas industry during the last election cycle, the group found, compared with $67,400 received by committee Democrats. The group attributed the data to the Center for Responsive Politics’s website, www.opensecrets.org.