In an editorial today, the Wall Street Journal claimed a “sharp drop in production on federal lands is the direct result of Obama Administration policies.” They cherry pick statements from a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report to try and support their claim, but ignore sections of the report that directly refute them. The CRS report actually shows that outside factors such as price and geology are driving industry to drill on nonfederal lands, where the most lucrative plays exist.
If you read the CRS report, you learn that:
- “Any increase in production of natural gas on federal lands is likely to be easily outpaced by increases on non-federal lands, particularly because shale plays are primarily situated on nonfederal lands and is where most of the growth in production is projected to occur.” (Pg. 3, 1st and 2nd paragraph)
- “The big shale gas plays are primarily on non-federal lands and are attracting a significant portion of investment for natural gas development.” (Pg. 1, 2nd paragraph)
- “But having more lands accessible may not translate into higher levels of production on federal lands, as industry seeks out the most promising prospects and highest returns.” (Pg. 2, 3rd paragraph)
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