
Checks and Balances Project is happy to announce that Mike Mikus, a longtime communications consultant, is joining the news organization as a reporter.

During 2020, Mikus served as a frequent contributor on CBC in Canada during the 2020 presidential election. He also provides political analysis and commentary to national publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, New York Post, Associated Press and Newsweek, among other publications.

Mikus has provided communications and strategic consulting to numerous national organizations and companies. Some of Mikus’ previous clients include Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, the Asbestos Victims Alliance, and The Voter Project

“I’m looking forward to my new role reporting news that is important to people,” Mikus said. “Checks and Balances and I share the same goal – to report the news that helps people understand complex issues that have an impact on their lives.”

In addition to his numerous political clients, Mikus has provided communication consulting to organizations advocating for patients, good-paying union jobs, and social justice.

“Having worked on the other side of the press, I know that a good reporter searches for the truth. Powerful people and industries often will anything to prevent the real story from being told through disinformation and phony industry backed studies,” Mikus said. “I’m looking forward to doing my part to ensure that people get the facts by reporting the truth while exposing the lies and deceptive tactics of powerful interests.

Ray Locker, executive director of Checks and Balances Project, said he he thought having someone with Mikus’ experience would bring a fresh perspective and familiarity to local reporting and the stories of people in often-forgotten communities.

“That’s going to be an asset to our reporting,” Locker said.

Mikus is a graduate of Washington and Jefferson College and resides in southwestern Pennsylvania.

Contact: Ray Locker at [email protected]