
On Thursday, just days after voting to protect $21 billion in corporate welfare for oil and gas corporations, Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) submitted legislation rolling back water, air, and wildlife protections to drilling impacts.

A few key facts about oil and gas drilling on public lands:

  • Oil and gas companies have recklessly polluted our air, creating significant ozone pollution issues in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. In fact, drilling activities in rural Wyoming increased ozone pollution to levels in violation of federal standards 13 times this past winter.
  • Oil and gas companies have failed to ensure responsible development that respects wildlife resources. In Wyoming’s Pinedale Anticline region, mule deer populations declined by over 50 percent. http://nyti.ms/ltBCMJ
  • Access to drilling is simply not an issue on our public lands:

Onshore drilling permits are expected to increase 40% this year.
Oil and gas companies fail to develop 57 percent of their existing leases.
Oil and gas companies have failed to develop nearly 7,200 onshore oil and gas permits where they have a green light to drill.