Connecting the dots between gas industry tycoons and the NAT GAS Act requires ink by the barrel load.
A recent investigation by DeSmogBlog and PRWatch exposes just who stands to benefit from the NAT GAS Act and the expensive tactics being used to ensure it flies through congress. The most recent tactic is a public relations campaign by Chesapeake Energy, which included the gas giant’s “Declaration of Energy Independence.” Chesapeake Energy’s CEO, Aubrey… Read more »
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State regulator admits, but not to Congress, that gas production led to water contamination in Colorado
Neslin’s narrow definition of hydraulic fracturing misleads Committee members **As Pennsylvanians deal with the breaking news that wastewater from a Chesapeake hydraulic fracturing well blowout has entered their drinking supplies, similar stories continue to unfold in Colorado.** Within minutes after his testimony about the safety of hydraulic fracturing in front of the United States Senate… Read more »
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